Uploading PDF to Facebook with the best way to save your time and money

I had found this awesome PDF about fashion trends online the other day, and I tried uploading PDF to Facebook. Sounds simple enough right? I thought so too, that was until I tried sharing the file. But it just did not work. Then I found the free service YUMPU Publishing.
Upload PDF to Facebook NOW! Secure 25% for 12 months on all plans now! Enter the code RobertT25Table of contents
How did I actually get on this software? The story from the beginning
A friend suggested converting the file to E-Paper. After researching I found a lot of services that would convert the PDF file for a fee. I found the costs too much. Nevertheless, I tried one of these overpriced services. The loading time was so incredibly long that my readers could not read the document. My readers with mobile devices could not see the file on the phone. It was frustrating.
After all of the frustration, I would not even think about using these services to embed Videos, Audio files, or Links into a PDF, and uploading a PDF to Facebook.
When I looked further into the situation I found that most of the services out there had either all or a combination of these problems. I was just about to give up. Then I came upon a solution and a service called “YUMPU Publishing”.
Uploading a PDF to Facebook for free
To be with this software cost me absolutely nothing to convert the PDF file into an e-paper. This software was so easy to use and fast. The media integration on YUMPU Publishing allowed me to upload PDFs to Facebook and all of the major social networks. My readers were even able to copy and share by email, as well embed my documents into their websites.
If you are looking to gain more readers like me, then it is important that you spread your marketing message or PDF documents on social media platforms and uploading PDF to Facebook. I had my doubts at first but after doing so in only two days I gained a substantial amount of readers (in only 2 days).
I almost forgot to mention YUMPU Publishing showed me also how to make a flipbook. Not only an ePaper ist possible with this software. It is possible to make a magazine, flipbook, brochure, catalog, etc. My PDF finally could be displayed on my reader’s mobile devices and loaded so much faster.
When I looked at other services like Slideshare the fees were as much as $25.00 that’s too, much for just uploading my PDF files to Facebook. Scribe was confusing to navigate and had extremely long queues at times. Joomag was free. But I lacked the ability to share with social media easily. I had also issues with the display on mobile devices.
This software offered me many advantages
The ability to embed my PDF on all of my favorite social media platforms and uploading my PDF documents to Facebook
Support of my file on all devices both mobile and desktop.
Optimization for search engines like Google.
A customized look and feel. I could add logos; change the background, colors, and more.
Full integration with all major social networks that really spread my publication quickly.
Embed Video and Audio into publications.
A link to shop from my publication.
The best experience
One of the best parts of my experience with this software was a great support. I was able to find answers to questions quickly and easily.
With so many services offered and backed by such great support, I am convinced that YUMPU Publishing is the only tool able to put publications in the hands of millions of avid readers.
I strongly recommend that if you are looking to have your publication spread like wildfire by uploading PDF to Facebook, you should visit the flipbook animation software YUMPU Publishing and get started putting your publication in the hands of readers everywhere.